Thread: What Is Art
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Old 04-07-2010, 05:10 PM   #4
Urbane Guerrilla
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Art is self-expression without compromise. The less the compromise, the greater the art: Michaelangelo didn't quit when he'd only mostly chipped and polished away all the bits that didn't look like David. Auguste Rodin got away with his rough mode of sculpture through his powerful sense of motion and action in his figures.

Art goes beyond the merely necessary, and into the beautiful.

A good deal of "modern art" isn't very artistic at all. Too often it's because some dope forgot art should be beautiful. And impressive doesn't hurt either. If it doesn't evoke some emotional response, it isn't going to amount to much, nohow. At the least, one should ask oneself, "Was I happy I looked?"

The alleged artist that claims that is not necessary to art is full of something that isn't art. But may rhyme with it.
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