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Old 04-11-2010, 03:03 PM   #2170
“Hypocrisy: prejudice with a halo”
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Location: Savannah, Georgia
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Originally Posted by classicman View Post
I'm interested to see how this plays out. How did the CBO or whoever determine how many of the young healthy group would sign up for insurance? Did they assume all and calculate the saving from there? I really have no idea how many will sign up. Some...most... but certainly not all. Also, since a "child" may now stay on their parents insurance till 26 how will that affect the costs? Being on a parents group policy costs only a fraction of what an individual policy would - especially at that age.

Good read.
They counted on everyone signing up, that is why the math was fuzzy and the plan would never work as they said it would. If I were a 20 something I would much rather pay the fine even when it gets to the $600 range as it will be cheaper than insurance.
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