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Old 04-14-2010, 02:08 PM   #57
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: West Yorkshire
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I was smacked as a child. My Mum's hand damaged me far less than her tongue. I was and still am terrified of her temper. I'd rather she slapped me now than some of the things I fear she will come out with. Fear? Yup. Like in a horror story, the potential is always worse than the occurence. After all, I could always slap her back (AS IF!) but I could never be as mean as her with a real cob on.

Speaking from my weighty experience with 6-7 year olds, I think a lot of the joy of learning is in the teaching. "My" teacher, Miss M, engages the children utterly. If their attention wanders her usual response is to start a dialogue, get their interest back. But this is a very well disciplined class. She sings to them, "Listen, children" and they sing back, "Yes Miss [three syllable name]" Stops all conversation immediately with no shouting.

I can't imagine her hitting any of them. Like Dani says, the past is a foreign country. I grew up in an era of corporal punishment. I was only on the receiving end once and it didn't stop me idolising that teacher. But I was made to stand on my chair for talking a year later, and I cried in front of the whole class. I hated that teacher for weeks afterwards.
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