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Old 05-25-2010, 05:53 AM   #107
Chews Food Coming In, And Going Out
Join Date: Sep 2009
Posts: 339
Originally Posted by classicman View Post
BS. I've been rereading your post above for 2 days. I agree with much of it.
I welcome further debate!


What's been perplexing me, today? Hm... Well, I posted a little about it, in a different thread, and it's still perplexing me, to this day:

Originally Posted by TheDaVinciChode View Post
The ever-growing realisation that mainstream music no longer requires any talent... not like it did, two decades ago.

Voices are more synthetic, than real, these days. "Glee" is the most recent proof of this.
How is it that we can call modern-day musicians, "musicians" at all? Computers do most of the work... most are no-talent FACES for the public to eat up... and even those WITH talent, if they're new on the scene (from the early 90s onwards,) will still have somewhat synthesised voices... The music industry doesn't seem to cater to individuality, or uniqueness, any more... it wants everyone to sound the same, in accordance to whatever the model-standard is, at the time.

Lyrics, too, are atrocious, by "yesteryear's" standards... So much repetition, so little originality... Mostly based around a terribly repetitive beat, which rarely requires any talent to produce. (Again, it's mostly computer-aided.)

The music industry has been seeing a steady decline in talent, originality, and amazement, over the last two decades... and yet, an incredible increase in profit, and no-name, no-talent wannabes shot to super-stardom - Tells you something about how easily the general public is driven to want, to consume, whatever the media throws at them, eh?

Don't even get me started on the banality of Hollywood, also within the last two decades. Most "blockbuster" movies are simple re-makes of movies from two or more decades ago... Add some flashy effects, some generally poor acting (in comparison,) and you get a global hit of unoriginal garbage. Where are the original scripts? What happened to great actors? (Like in the music industry - There are some great actors, but you'll find most of them are from BEFORE the great slump in quality, that we've been seeing, these last two decades.)

Entertainment is all about cheap, poor quality products, hyped up to the global media, with only one desire - huge profit... Gone are the days where music, and movies, were made to entertain, to show one's ability to create something truly memorable... Now, we all cling to the global media's every word, whilst the entertainment industry spoon-feeds us with ideas of flashy gimmicks, delusions of grandeur, hiding the terribly mundane nature of everything it produces.

When will people wake up, smell the roses, and force the industry to revert back to a state of decency?

Will they ever? That perplexes me, sirs and madams, to no end.
"O' Captain! My Captain! Our fearful trip is done;"
"The ship has weather’d every rack, the prize we sought is won;" - Walt Whitman / Leaves Of Grass.
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