Thread: Movies
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Old 12-14-2001, 06:27 PM   #1
Posts: n/a


You watch them.

You write about them here.

Try and put the title of the movie in the subject line, so it's easier to wade through 'em.

I don't really have anything to write here at the moment, but give me until Monday. I'll come up with something.

Actually, I got it.

First off, the most awful "modern" movie I've ever seen - The Quick and the Dead. I hated this. It was absurd. Check it out:

So it's at the end. Sharon Stone is about to whoop Gene Hackman's ass. She shoots him in the chest. He looks down and - get this - there is a spot of light in his shadow! First, it's not like the light could come down, bend through him, and then continue down onto the groud! And secondly, it's not like the flesh and blood wouldn't cover at least some spot in the hole through him, thereby blocking the light. I mean, come on. We're movie-goers, not complete idiots.

But it gets WORSE! Then she shoots him in the head and HE DOES A FLIP! Yes, the force from the bullet actually makes him FLIP! From standing up to on his stomach. 270 degrees of goodness. Besides the fact that this would be physically impossible (being shot from a handgun and all), it looks absolutely ridiculous, and serves as a vivid reminder of how stupid bad movies can be. There's suspension of disbelief, and then there's treating your audience like fucking retards. Even if the movie had been good up to that part (it wasn't - it was okay in some parts and pretty awful in others), that completely ruined it. Unbelieveable.
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