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Old 07-19-2010, 10:14 AM   #32
squirell nutkin
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Originally Posted by Shawnee123 View Post
So this local guy, church-going man, goes into apartment of wife, a teacher, he is separated from: they were all to go swimming, they had attended marriage counseling. Something happened, and he didn't kill the wife, but his 21 (?) year old stepson. Took his 7 year old son and went on the run. Eventually he dropped the kid at relatives and returned to the area. After a chase he was arrested. At court, film shows him to be pretty lacksadaisacal (hi, have a nice day) in spite of the fact he and his glock put a few rounds in a now-dead and by all reports (my ex plays music at these people's church) a very nice young man. This apartment was above my nephew and nephew's fiancee's apartment.

What the hell is wrong with people? Same things that have been wrong since the beginning of time, same things that will be with us forever. Small town is not immune, never has's just so much less than urban areas (like where I work.)

I hope your neighbor recovers and with time it doesn't seem so scary. Terrible when something happens so close because it does, in a way, happen to you too.
I'm not sure who killed whom in this narrative, but someone died.
And now I'm finished posting.
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