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Old 07-26-2010, 11:14 PM   #1
Vicariously, I live...
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For everyone who doesn't really care how my computer system at work works

I plan to take his last name, and I'm happy to do so. I just wanted to express that the ring makes me happy because it's tied to a part of my family that I don't know much about.

In my opinion, because taking the man's last name is the "norm" for the country I happen to live in it's just easier. I realize that some feel it's archaic and some feel like it's the dude trying to oppress you, and some people are just so gosh derned forward thinking that they want their men to take their names, and some people dig the hypen, and some people move it to their middle names so they can hang onto it, and some people create new and improved last names, and some people just have ugly last names they want to get rid of, and...and...and.....

If any of the above is your thing, then go for it. It's just not for me.

My SO has a decent last name, and I'm proud to wear it eventually, it's just a bummer that my last name is over. If the family was worried about it, my dad coulda had more kids. He didn't. Game over.
I have some people I need to have smoted. ~ SteveDallas
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