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Old 12-06-2003, 12:41 PM   #72
Kinda New Member
Join Date: Dec 2003
Posts: 1
Lightbulb same here

I definately found my way onto, and sure enough landed as a semi-finalist. i have heard of this enough to at least say they can publish me, but i was not into getting the stupid book. a week later, noble house sent me an email identical to the one shown. at first i was like...yes!!!! but after about 3 seconds my reverie ended and i thought about it. An email???? with no phone numbers or email addresses? i went on the website and there is nothing practically. so i put the guys name on the net and this site came up. i think its ridiculous that people send others this kind of stuff...but im guessing they make money from it so it all continues, the bloody jerks. anyways, if anyone knows a real publishing company that doesnt scam, sends free books, and pays royalties, let me know.

many thanks!


ps- if you feel like talking to someone who is annoyed by all that crap but loves to write anyways, email or im me.
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