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Old 08-01-2010, 04:03 PM   #13
.....short for Caz
Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: The West Coast of England
Posts: 358
Gosh Sun Girl and Mons, each Brit like me, cool line on line, bit like the bard! Know what I mean!?

My two cats, long name mogs for here, one tiny mad moon like soul, half wild but all mine and her mum who does love me tons and also her tum tum just as much, both in my bed with me, best pals I ever had. Ever will have now.

Here too is just near the less long less hot pale days of high noon, we see days grow into slow soft fall, not our word for it (!) but less time to play out.

Kids vac from - oh no tiny word for it - you know the one - desk and poem and pen and so on and so on - just now kids all over, sea and sand and kids and dogs and mums and dads all hot and red. They all want pots of tea and coke and fish and chips oh yes and fags. Sadly.

Time to see the news on BBC and then to bed and book. Bye for now. Kiss kiss
..down by the zea zippin' zider
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