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Old 08-05-2010, 10:27 AM   #412
has left the building.
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 455
I get an average of 50-60 phone calls and roughly 100 emails a day. I'm very good at responding and organizing (I apologize if I sound like a braggart - that's not my intention). Anyway, yesterday afternoon I busied out both my incoming lines - that was fun

...and my email. Ohhh... I was a bad boy. I forwarded it to my boss - all of it! ...and he's on vacation!!! For a week! Oops!

I'm going home pretty soon and I'm calling in sick tomorrow.

Sometimes rebellion has a sweet flavor.

They won't fire me. Not that I'm indespensible - I'm not. I'm just too reliable.
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