Thread: Gay Marriage
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Old 12-07-2003, 05:31 PM   #357
Dog O'Nine Tails
Join Date: Dec 2003
Posts: 20
Originally posted by sycamore
You want us to accept your arguments, Jimmy? Back 'em up. Put some support into your statements.

Show us that the Bible is the reference for all law in the United States.

Show us how morality and human worth have no definitions without religion.

Show us how sodomy is considered an unnatural act by law in the US. (You simply cannot do this b/c of the recent Supreme Court ruling, but I'd sure like to see you try.)

Make a legitimate supported connection between sodomy and beastiality, and how the floodgates will open if gay marriage is allowed by law.

Show us that minorities don't get to rule over the majority. (You simply cannot do this b/c of the existence of apartheid-era South Africa, but I'd love to see you try this one too.)

Looks like you have some research to do...get on it!

The U.S. was founded by a religious people looking to practice religion without discrimination. The simple
fact that the Ten Commandments are written on the ceiling of the Supreme Court should tell you something. When you go to court you swear to God to tell the truth! The oaths of judicial office are made with the right hand on the Bible. The Ten Commandments are considered the first laws handed to civilized men by God. There is more then enough material floating around the net to support any kind research along these lines.

Without religion the actual word morality has no meaning with relation to cause and effect. Without religion the human being has worth expressed in dollars and sense… 68 cents in materials. The ideas of right and wrong need to have certain preconditions to have meaning. For instance there were many tribal cultures that sacrificed people for many supernatural ideas… those tribes considered their actions moral and right, do you, if you don’t, then you have to ask why. If you say a human being has value then you must define the substance or units with which this value is expressed… shall we use dollars and cents or the promise immortality and the immortal soul. Communism and Socialism preached atheism and killed over 100 million people, those people who did the killing went home and hugged their kids and slept well. They slept well because they believed that they were not going to pay any price for their actions. In their eyes the people who they killed had no supernatural value.

There are people in New York that have been charged with Sodomy recently. Be very careful what you put forth. Without Sodomy laws it would not be possible to charge a child molester with Sodomy… if that was the extent of the transgression. How would you like to come home and find you 9-year-old child has been sodomized and you couldn’t do anything about it except maybe charge the person with a minor assault.

I never made the connection between Sodomy and Bestiality, I only said that they are considered to be un natural acts under the law. It’s the phrase “un-natural act” that would generate the problems in the courtrooms and legal circles, lawyers would have a field day with it, and they have hundreds of years of legal precedent to call on.
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- Sir Winston Churchill (1874-1965)
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