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Old 08-16-2010, 11:44 PM   #1
Master of the Domain
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: Austin, TX
Posts: 238
What does your scar look like RFN?

My idea for this thread is scars and their stories, though I'm really not the right person to start this. I don't have dangerous work or hobbies so my scars are small, but they still are pretty fascinating to me, especially the ones I've been wearing for decades. I expect there are much more dramatic ones (scars and stories) in this dark Cellar with the rickety stairs.

As these pics demonstrate, I also realized how hard it is to get a pale scar on pale skin to show up well.

My fave is this little one on my knuckle. From this angle it looks like an upside down "C". It's from sometime around 1979 when I was about 11. Earlier in the day some bowl (an all-white glass one with some green design on the outside) had broken and been put in the trash. Later I had something to put in the trash and for some reason, instead of dropping the item in, I shoved my hand in and promptly sliced my knuckle, leaving a little flap of skin. As soon as I felt it I knew what had happened, so I could very well have been the one to throw out the bowl in the first place. Quite bright, I know...
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