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Old 11-06-2010, 10:55 AM   #7
Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult
Join Date: Jan 2001
Location: Dallas, TX
Posts: 3,338
I avoided fighting as much as possible as I abhor violence. It didn't help that I was bullied and wanted to more than a few times but it's not my nature to hurt people. I preferred to play mean pranks on my tormentors instead. To this day, that is my default response.

As an example, during gym class, my bookbag had a habit of vanishing, along with textbooks, library books, homework and calculators and other expensive goodies. After the third time, about which the teacher could do nothing, I took a smaller leather satchel instead. Soon, there was a blood-curdling scream from the locker room. The class all streamed in there to see what had happened. Except me, I sauntered slowly, knowing what was going to happen. Seconds later, the class (and teacher) came boiling out again faster than they went in.
Somehow, a North American Hognose (a snake that mimics a cobra but is harmless) had gotten into the bag over the weekend. The thief was easily identifiable as he had levitated onto a bank of lockers. I collected the snake and the miscreant and hauled him to the principal, who suspended us BOTH. And made me let the snake go in the woods, which I would have done anyway.

I took the individual aside and told him the next time it might be a REAL cobra (they do not live in North America) or perhaps a rattlesnake, minus the rattle so he'd be wise to stay far away from my bags in future. I was bluffing of course, but...

No one ever really wins a fight. I learned that early on.

Never be afraid to tell the world who you are. -- Anonymous

Last edited by BrianR; 11-06-2010 at 10:56 AM. Reason: typo
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