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Old 11-18-2010, 03:06 AM   #2954
Join Date: Nov 2010
Location: Seattle Washington,U.S.A.
Posts: 106
Originally Posted by BigV View Post

I have a couple in that range..I feel your pain, brother.

Nice to see someone else from the Emerald City. Welcome.

ps don't worry about the quiz--it'll grow back, eventually.

Not sure what "the quiz" is but I'll take your word for it ha!

Yes I'm sick and tired of these "lazy" kids who think thier whole entire life revolves around what they are doing at the moment,and what the currently want,they want,want,want,want but when you need them to do something they are nowhere around.

I offered my 20 year old $100.00 bucks to simply "mow both lawns" this previous summer ....would of taken approx. 3 to 4 hours,because of the first cutting in the spring due to the fact how long the grass was(not that long but average) and he found every excuse why he couldn't do it ect....but now the summer is over he wanted to "borrow" some cash,and he doesn't have a job so when would I get paid back? HAHA!

I don't give him "jack" and its funny he even asks. He lives between my sister's and his mother's house. These kids nowadays are LAZY!
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