Thread: The Sex Thread
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Old 11-20-2010, 03:38 PM   #2
The Un-Tuckian
Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: South Central...KY that is
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Imagine This

Imagine this:

For whatever reason, the sun goes supernova. At the exact same moment, the LHC malunctions in a big way, and produces a 'big bang' with the energy of a billion suns. This massive and cataclysmic explosion engulfs the earth in a microsecond, causing all the nucyuler weapons to detonate at the same moment that all the nucyuler power plants go all Chernobyl on your ass, resulting in a magnetic influx resonant frequency modulation, causing the total explosive power to increase a bilion billion times. The resulting explosion is so powerful and massive it destroys the universe, a cataclysm so immense in scale, that an entirely new universe is created in the next millisecond.

All that was an infinitesimal spark, compared to the shit that went on at her place last night.

How's things in the clean world?

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