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Old 11-27-2010, 04:57 PM   #1
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Drop that cabbage and put your hands in the air

This was in my Inbox today. Not sure of its veracity, but Bechtel has done something similar with water in some South American country, i.e. you can't gather rainwater because the water is on its way to the aquifer, which belongs to them.

So, anyway, anyone heard about this?

Hello Everyone,

I am writing about U.S. Senate bill.... S. 510, otherwise known as the Farm Bill, but called the "Food Safety Modernization Act." It will be voted on this coming Monday, November 29th.

Basically, this bill will do the following:
- Gives FDA LOTS of power to shut down family farms
- drives up the costs of food production by adding even more layers of government interference (17,000 more bureaucrats and $1 billion increased spending)
- Empowers the Feds to impose international standards on our domestic food producers

Another issue that particularly concerns me is that if there is ever a situation where we have to rely on growing our own food for survival, that gives the lovely govt power over determining what we can/cannot do...

To learn more able the bill, please research these sites:

To contact your senators, go here:

Please realize that if this bill passes, it will mean that it will be illegal for a private person to grow, share, sell or transport homegrown food. If EVER we are in a situation where we need to grow food on our own, the government would be able to stop us. So, let's stop them first!!!
The internet is a hateful stew of vomit you can never take completely seriously. - Her Fobs
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