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Old 12-17-2003, 07:20 PM   #29
Junior Master Dwellar
Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: Kingdom of Atlantia
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Wow. Alot of information. And a situation that can be fixed.

If what you say is really what is going on, then she needs to dump him, now.

He's crossed the line. If my husband ever allowed another woman to "hang on his arm" (and it wasn't a family member), then he has no respect for me.


If my husband EVER propositioned a woman, EVER... he has no respect for me. Whether he was "playing" or not. What kind of man propositions another woman? A single one.

Dump him, and dump him quick.

It is NEVER ok to "proposition" anyone when you are married. If you don't mean it, what kind of person does that make you? Either (a) you're "testing" the person your propositioning, which is bullshit or (b) you're deliberatly leading them on without intention to follow through.

Either way you're an asshole.

Oh yeah, I could go on for hours.

He's a creep. Whether he started that way or not is irrelevant. She needs to cut her losses and get with a man she can trust, cuz this relationship is over.

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