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Old 12-04-2010, 03:13 PM   #49
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: Arlington, VA
Posts: 27,717
Before the recession, my law firm always had a huge Christmas luncheon and party hosted in a local hotel ballroom. An amazing spread and open bar. From about noon to 4, and then one of the partners would open a tab at a nearby bar into the wee hours of the morning and we would take over the bar. When I was younger, I'd be there for the whole thing and then off to the bar all night. For the more recent ones, I'd go grab some shrimp cocktail and carved turkey and then go home to the wife before the kids would get home from school.

Every few years, someone would be in trouble the next day for what they did the night before.

Since the recession, they have some pies in the cafeteria, and I'll go get a slice of pecan pie. Yes. I like pecans on my pie.
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