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Old 12-13-2010, 12:13 PM   #3
Junior Master Dwellar
Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: Buckinghamshire UK
Posts: 4,059
1. My childhood. See (2) below.
2. A time when life seemed so much simpler, even if it wasn't. See (1) above
3. My Black Labrador.
4. My old horse, despite his being something of a free thinker on a wide variety of topics.
5. The Spring.
6. America. Haven't visited since 2004.
7. A time when people didn't make every statement sound like a question.
8. A time when political parties actually had an ideology instead of just shifting around until they found a set of 'policies' which they thought would make them electable.
"These are my principles. If you don't like them, well I have some more". Groucho Marx. A man ahead of his time.
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