Thread: I Miss Bush
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Old 12-15-2010, 05:07 PM   #157
“Hypocrisy: prejudice with a halo”
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Originally Posted by SamIam View Post
Public transit, universal education, fire and police protection, etc. are not rights. They are sound investments that a society makes in its own well being.
At what cost and to what end?

Those who benefit from our current system, yet complain about paying for it suffer from a narcissistic world view at best. "I've done great. The rest of you are on your own."
And like others here, I hear another cry along the lines of class envy. I do agree with what you are saying, they should charge higher rider fees to make it work better.

Immigrants from other countries who make good here are by definition largely members of the middle class in their own countries and/or have useful connections in the US. Our immigration laws ensure this.
I agree. Yet those who live here and have all the same advantages and in fact more advantages and connections still can't do as well. Why do you think that is?

The spunky oriental immigrant who hits the big time in the ghetto is largely a myth. And for everyone like him, there is a woman from Thailand who comes here and opens up a "massage parlor' where sex is sold in the back room. She eventually becomes caught up in the legal system and costs the local taxpayers thousands.
Yet they are making a dollar and completely support themselves. I would support the legalization of prostitution like it is in NV.

Individual annecdotes are a dime a dozen. They are fun to relate, but useless for implementing policy.
Damm right. Which is why I am tired of hearing the politicians telling me another story about "Betty Johnson from Bumbfuck USA" and how because of one party or the other has been screwed by the system. It only contributes to more class envy and warfare.

The term "throwing money at" is shop worn and was a questionable analogy from the start.
BS, it is not about some "wealthy matron" tossing dimes, it is about the billions wasted by state and federal governments on throwing money at failing schools.

The only thing Congress throws money at are special interests (wealthy campaign contributors) and its own boondoggles.

As for the third world, the US is working on joining it.
Agreed and agreed.
Anyone but the this most fuked up President in History in 2012!
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