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Old 12-16-2010, 05:48 AM   #6
Join Date: Sep 2009
Posts: 796
I actually realize that, just Adak's continuous arguments that the KKK is somehow not all about racial/prejudicial hate is really really annoying me. Somehow the fact that they sometimes target non-blacks makes them, what? Less awful? I don't understand what Adak's point is TBH. They are a hate group, their main focus is blacks.
I believe most of you weren't in the South during those years, but now, are posting like you were.

Of course the most frequent victims of the KKK were the colored's, and by far, they regularly received the most brutal treatment. In Florida, they wiped out a whole colored town. The lucky survivors being too afraid to return. Just a rumor of a black on white crime could set them off no end.

I apologize if I didn't emphasize that this kind of behavior was not motivated by their loving kindness.
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