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Old 12-26-2010, 02:42 PM   #10
Radical Centrist
Join Date: Jan 2001
Location: Cottage of Prussia
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(new post instead of edit) This is the lowest an artist can be, I think. To look out at your audience who took the time and trouble to see you, paid you nearly $100 a seat for the opportunity to do so, and say "what a bunch of assholes... I'm actually saddened to think that my work might affect them or entertain them."

She was playing to a Vegas audience when she said it, which is where her biggest bucks are made and also where a lot of Republicans go. I don't know about the fundies although moralist Bill Bennett was a big gambler.

I'm a weekend warrior musician and I know I'm playing to some despicable people in bars. I'm so happy if they care one iota about what I do. If we don't agree on much, then it's a time to stop and put all that aside and just enjoy what we do have in common.

She didn't even write any of her songs so the only reason she is there is pretty lady pretty voice. Shut up and sing you stupid cunt, so the real musicians backing you can make their union scale wages.
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