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Old 12-28-2010, 11:53 AM   #19
Franklin Pierce
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Originally Posted by Griff View Post
When I went back to get my Masters, I was stunned at how comfortable people were with asking for extensions and arguing grades despite clearly given time lines and expectations for work.
I have a bunch of friends who are TAs and professors and that is probably the biggest complaint I hear from them. I can understand extensions under extreme circumstances and I do personally believe learning the material is the most important aspect of classes but some of the stories I hear are completely ridiculous, especially when it comes to arguing grades in graduate school. If you are in graduate school, you need to learn to take responsibility and accept consequences for your grades. Also, I don't know how it is like in your major but graduate school is mostly about research here so arguing grades is usually viewed as a problem within itself.

Originally Posted by lamplighter
My point to all this is that we knew we were not all among the brightest in those classes,
but the competition within that study group made a major difference in study habits and motivation.
My experience was very similar. During my junior year, when classes started really picking up for my major, I joined a study group and worked with them for about a year. Doing that changed my study habits and taught me what it meant to actually understand material. We would compete to become the person that would teach everyone else the subject. Not only was a viewed very positively in a social standing sense, that person would almost always do the best on tests (not counting the numerous stupid mistakes).

I don't know how the hell it would implemented because we are culturally fucked in that sense, but creating competition to be the best student would be the best thing that could happen for our country in terms of education. Besides certain fields which force students to become competitive, most students don't give a shit because there is very little incentive do extremely well. I'm curious to see if lowering the average grade would have much effect.
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