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Old 01-01-2011, 11:58 AM   #9
Person who doesn't update the user title
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Originally Posted by Sundae Girl View Post
I've been applying for any number of low-grade jobs since I got mine (Teaching Assistant).
I've had one interview. For those who don't know, I have a job,
but can't start until my enhanced Criminal Records Bureau check comes through;
I have a normal CRB, but this is not adequate for staff, only volunteers.

So every week I go to the Job Centre, sign on, and prove I am actively seeking work.
Some weeks I bother, and apply right left and centre. <snip>
The TV heads were just talking about US job prospects in 2011,
and how so many people (84%) who are currently employed
are planning to look for different job in 2011.
The heads also said that employers will be looking more favorably on (these) people who
will be seen as "trading jobs", as opposed to those who have been unemployed for a long time.

I know this does not apply to you, SG, but it did remind me of your postings last month
about still waiting for your "enhanced CRB".
I started wondering about the British political system, as compared to the US.

That is, if I were in your position (hired, but not yet working the job) and still drawing benefits,
I would seriously consider a letter and phone call to my own State
Senator and/or Representative.
Usually, this is just the sort of thing our politicians love to say about they how they helped
their constituents get through the red tape, blah, blah, blah.

A long preamble, but does the British political system allow for that sort of short cut
thru the bureaucracy to get you into the job you want and have been offered. ?
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