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Old 01-04-2011, 08:28 AM   #167
Radical Centrist
Join Date: Jan 2001
Location: Cottage of Prussia
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I'm not sure how the subject changed from 4WD to rollover accidents, but here is the story:

It only specifies 2001 GMC and so it was probably the full-time AWD Sierra.

The crash happened at 8 in the morning so we are guessing all-nighter to get to FL for Xmas and the driver fell asleep.

But what lesson is there? Whilst searching for the story I found this crash story, in which the single driver does nearly the exact same thing: drives off the right hand side of the road, then over-corrects. And the vehicle, which is a 1997 Mercury, not a truck, does not roll over. Instead it flies into the median and hits a tree. Killing her instantly.

From my experience driving various vehicles, I would far rather be in the Sierra than the Mercury. And so would the occupants of the Sierra, none of whom were killed instantly (one died later), and one of whom left the scene without a scratch.

I'm guessing that if I were driving the Sierra I would not have over-corrected, but in the Merc I might have. The big bubble tires and high clearance on the truck mean you can handle being in the rough a little bit. I once nearly lost a Mazda 323, not because I drove it off the road, but off the 1" edge of an exit ramp. The skinny tires caught the edge and nearly pulled the wheel out of my hands due to FWD torque steer. Unsafe at any speed.
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