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Old 01-09-2011, 07:51 PM   #180
The future is unwritten
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I don't own a four wheel drive, I don't need one. But if I did, I wouldn't hesitate to buy one because I know their advantages and their limitations. I've driven them all, from a WW II 6x6 and old school Jeep CJs, to the modern 4x4 trucks and SUVs.

You keep citing these cases of people fucking up because they don't know how to drive, and blaming on the vehicle/manufacturer/advertising, instead of where the blame belongs, squarely on the driver.

I would venture the people that don't know how to drive properly, are now the majority, especially in adverse weather. If you rent or borrow a car, do you need instruction first? Of course not, cars have become an appliance, as easy to operate as a microwave oven. Something to move you from point A to point B without thinking, or interrupting your multitasking.

Does J.Q.Public ever stop and think about how they are controling tons of material at lethal speeds, in close proximity to others doing the same thing? Of course not, they are to busy thinking about other shit other than driving.

Therefore it's highly unlikely they ever think about the coeficient of friction, or slip angles, due to changing weather/road conditions. Too busy worrying about they might be late picking up the cat at the kitty spa.

So save your descriptions of 4x4s wreaking death and destruction, there are just as many 4x2s doing the same thing, and for the same reason, the drivers.
The descent of man ~ Nixon, Friedman, Reagan, Trump.
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