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Old 01-20-2011, 02:23 AM   #9
Master Dwellar
Join Date: Aug 2003
Posts: 4,197
my father was a very respected doctor here in houston. in the state as a matter of fact. was on numerous medical boards. i remember one sunday back in around '78 or so i was in the doctors lounge watching a nascar race back when it was winston cup (yes i advocate smoking hell i roll my own) anyway, i distinctly remember him saying that insurance companies will ruin medicine. this is what he was talking about and of course it didn't work. and it sure as hell did happen all back asswards. heck my parents wanted me to follow in dad's footsteps but many years later when i was in engineering mom said and i quote "fred? i sure am glad you did not go into medicine." dad agreed. this was some 8 years before dad died. in fact for those of you that know, he died on my first commercial flight. found out while away from home. mom? 8-1-07 while in prison. maybe i should put the cellar down for now. i'm talking way too much.
For your dreams to come true, you must first have a dream.
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