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Old 12-23-2003, 07:45 PM   #30
Vice-President of Resentment
Join Date: Sep 2003
Posts: 196
Originally posted by OnyxCougar
Yes, but in MANY cases, that bored secretary will bring something written in a lucid, polite, and coherent manner to the attention of "da boss." I worked in the office of the president for a national credit card company for over a year, and the "You shitbags stole money from me" letter was ALWAYS given the standard response, while a letter like the one above garnered immediate "personal attention" of the President. It's like that at my present job, as well.

I will bend over backward to help someone who approaches me respectfully, and I'll stonewall those that curse and yell. Every time.
I agree with Onyx - I get many letters and the ones that are polite, to the point and (even if they are lengthy) give me an accurate description of what is causing/caused the problem are much easier to read and deal with that the ones that just say "you fucking suck. You denied my claim. You bitch."
Mistress of all that is claim related.
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