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Old 12-21-2001, 09:48 AM   #11
Writer of Writings
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Salt Lake City, UT
Posts: 14
Funny you should mention that. I am a consultant. My psychotherapist says that I needed to "expand my horizons, change people's lives, and do what I enjoy."

So I started doing Network and Internet consulting. Now I get paid to sit on my ass and surf the Net (expand my horizons), cause other people to be laid off because I'm so damn good (change people's lives), and laugh maniacally when I deposit my big fat checks into the bank knowing that someone's hard earned cash (not mine) is going to fund my collection (do what I enjoy) of expensive but useless desk gadgets.

I'm glad I went to that doctor. He's really helped me make a difference in my own life, while at the same time changing the life of the people I come into contact with. I have a profound sense of well-being now.

But that could just be an after-effect of the electro-shock therapy.
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