Thread: WikiLeaks
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Old 02-01-2011, 02:55 PM   #260
Junior Master Dwellar
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Can I quietly point out that Manning has been in jail for about 8 months in solitary confinement and as yet, hasn't even gone to trial?

Can I also point out (again) that Assange is not an American citizen and therefore cannot be held accountable to American law, especially when he's not in America?

Also, I'd like to add that all of the people that are screaming for his assassination (which is illegal) should be investigated and possibly even charged with a crime? Isn't it illegal to actively, publically seek the murder of another person? At the worst, isn't that a hate crime?

Link to interview with Assange, where *I* think he makes some damn good points, whether you think he's a turd or not.

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