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Old 02-08-2011, 10:14 PM   #6199
I hear them call the tide
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Have you had tests to establish whether your major nodule is cold or hot?

your case sounds so much like beest's.....

.....and he had the dodgy nodule biopsied for cancer while he was on the table ...and it came back negative. 20% is pretty much the minimum chance they give.

regarding funding/urgency of surgery.... have you had biopsies? Is the nodule hot or cold? DO NOT avoid a second opinion because of cost issues. If medical money was ever well spent, it was on second and third opinions.

Originally Posted by morethanpretty View Post
Had a biopsy on my a big nodule on my thyroid, its some sort of lesion apparently. Something like 20% are cancer, but no way to tell if its cancer for sure except to remove it for testing. This was just the largest nodule they tested, I have a lot of other small ones on my thyroid as well. Did meds for a year but it did not shrink. My mom had to have her thyroid and most of her parathyroids removed, and she turned out to have cancer. My endocrinologist is my mom's also, we have a lot of trust for the man. He knows all the family history, thats part of why he's making this call. I'm not really scared about the medical side, just paying for it is freaking me out. I even asked my doc outright if I could wait a couple of years. He said that was not a good idea in case it is cancer and it increases even more. This really sucks, my Doc seems pretty disappointed too. When I saw him for a check up in January he was thinking I was probably all better since my thyroid itself had shrunk back to normal. The double-check ultrasound showed that the nodule had not shrunk though, so he had to send me for the biopsy and so on.
Well I guess there goes my plans to move to Austin. Defiantly will not be able to afford it.
The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity Amelia Earhart
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