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Old 02-12-2011, 08:24 AM   #96
Operations Operative
Join Date: Feb 2011
Posts: 495
The Muslim Brotherhood will certainly have a voice in whatever new government is established, being that they are one of the only organized opposition groups. They do represent a small segment of Egyptian society and should have a voice.

IMO, the conservative in the US are exaggeration their influence.

There is nothing to suggest that they have widespread support and this was not an Islamic uprising. One of the most telling signs was the shouting down of Islamic slogans by the vast majority of mixed Coptic Christians and Muslims. There were no widespread calls of "death to the US" or "death to Israel" or "death to the infidels" but rather shouts of joy over the simple concept of obtaining basic human rights after 30 years of oppression.

It looks like the military will be in charge during a transition and their interest is in stabilizing the country and the economy, particularly since they control a large portion of the economy.

My hope is that the conservatives in the US will be more circumspect with anti-Islamic rhetoric.
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