Thread: Camera Shopping
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Old 12-28-2003, 03:51 AM   #1
I thought I changed this.
Join Date: Nov 2002
Location: western nowhere, ny
Posts: 412
Camera Shopping

I have a digital camera. It's something to the effect of a Digimax 220. I hate it, because it makes a lot of noise (beeps constantly & doesn't save 'don't beep, damnit' setting) and uses a USB connection.

I have some christmas gift-money, and I'd like a better camera. My price range is roughly $300 US, but I'm open to spending more if I can rationalize it with something to the effect of, 'if I spend more now I won't want a new camera in a few years.' The big features I'm interested in are a nice user interface/menu system (that beeping thing really bugs me) and a Firewire connection, because my Powerbook is cool. Also, my grandfather had a Nikon Coolpix 905, and I really loved whatever you call the thing where the LCD can pivot relative to the lense, but that's just sort of icing on the cake. I have a number of NiMH AA's and a nice charger for them, but that's also just some extra sugar. I'm not too concerned about pixel count, because my current camera wasn't exceptional a year or two ago, and I figure things are probably better now. My end medium is most likely web, because my printer is nothing special.

In the event that y'all don't want to do my shopping for me, are there any broad tips, such as things that I should keep in mind, good URLs to check out, or horror stories that are only vaguely related? (I'm up for specific recommendations, too.)
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