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Old 03-05-2011, 11:02 AM   #12
Join Date: May 2008
Location: Houston, TX
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Originally Posted by Sundae Girl View Post
Oh and on a side note - heard my Mum telling my sister that she would have to come with her when she had an appointment with the Social Worker about Grandad. To back her up and support her. Why Laura? Who helped her look after Grandad these last few years? Who was sole carer when she was away on holiday and house-sitting? Who went to get his lunch form town, his shopping from Tesco - despite not having a car? Who washed his cock and balls when he had diarrhea? Who has helped with his washing and ironing. Oh, I guess it must have been Laura. With her wide view of the world and her immense experience and her high intellect and her knowledge of mental health and the NHS.

God, I know how ridiculous that sounds. It's petty, it's jealousy and I should bloody well grow up and be pleased that Mum does have another daughter she can rely on. But I'm hurt instead, and pissed off.

Deep breath, rub some dirt on it stupid.
Life is so freaking unfair sometimes, huh? And no, you don't sound ridiculous at all. You ain't petty, and you don't need to grow up. You're already mature, and you're doing the best for your elders. Good for you! May good karma come your way. Get pissed off but only just a moment then let it go. That's how life is; it sucks. But don't let it blacken your heart. Let it go so you can laugh and smile and let your good heart shine through.
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