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Old 03-15-2011, 10:49 AM   #6365
Thats "Miss Zipper Neck" to you.
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Originally Posted by Razzmatazz13 View Post
It's not JUST the appendicitis...

When I started my freshman year of college she was diagnosed with diabetes... no big surprise as it runs in my family.

Then she went to the doctor and they found that she had a cyst the size of an avocado in her ovary... she decided to have it removed and they gave her a hysterectomy for good measure as well.

The diabetes was unable to be controlled by eating healthy and taking medication no matter how much tweaking was done to her routine or process and she was looking at dialysis for her kidneys within three to five years... so she started the path to gastric bypass surgery.

Once in the program they find out she has a malfunctioning gallbladder, so during the surgery they yank that sucker out too for good measure.

She gets the gastric bypass and recovers from that which helps with her blood pressure problems (oh I didn't mention those, well she has blood pressure problems too) and helps with the diabetes so she is down to one shot a day instead of three shots and two pills.

A year or so later they tell her that the diabetes isn't going to go away as it sometimes does with gastric patients and they will have to up her meds a bit.

Then her appendix burst while she's on vacation.

All of these things individually don't mean much, and no, not all of them have to do with age... but she's running out of nonessential body parts to get rid of.
Aw, hon, I know its hard right now to feel like things will get better for her, but trust me they can! My mom had quite a few issues when I was in middle school. An endocrine condition that led to her having her thyroid and parathyroids removed, a tumor on her pituitary gland, gall bladders stones (more than 1 round of 'em), fibroid muscle tumors that led to a hysterectomy and blood pressure problems. I stayed up many nights feeling like I was going to lose her. Our family actually looks back on that time and refer to it as "the crazy years." She's still crazy, don't get me wrong, but she is a lot healthier than she was and can out energize my sis and I. Its hard watching a family member go through all of that, especially a parent (which I think a lot of the older dwellers know too much about as well), but in reality, your mom is not all that old and with today's medical technology, she can improve. I doubt your mother would want you to be so overwhelmed with worry also.
Addicts may suck dick for coke, but love came up with the idea to put a dick in there to begin with.
-Jack O'Brien
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