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Old 03-17-2011, 11:14 AM   #9
Operations Operative
Join Date: Feb 2011
Posts: 495
Originally Posted by TheMercenary View Post
Once the law is changed there is little they can do other than vote in new people and then lobby to have the rules changed back to what they were before.

Polls don't mean shat. It is the weakest form of statistical measure.

As I stated earlier, you and others will have a hard time convincing all those people out of work or who contribute a significantly greater portion of their earnings to pay their benefits, or who have little to no benefits at all. And that is the majority of all workers in the US. Union workers make up a small amount of the work force and public sector unions make up an even small number of the total.
Thank you for no longer insisiting that it was incorrect when I stated that contributions to union PACs are voluntary.

I never suggested, nor do I support, taxpayers paying a larger share of pension/health care cost for public employee unions. The workers in WI agreed to pay more of their own pension/health care costs and I thought that was certainly appropriate.

I do support the right of those workers to bargain collectively as do a majority of Americans, by any recent measure.

And I certainly support the right of any workers, including public employees, to participate in the politicial process by VOLUNTARILY contributing to the party or candidate of their choice.

I really hope you dont want to take that away simply because they may support a party or candidate that may not be of your choosing.
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