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Old 04-07-2011, 11:01 AM   #1
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Angry Revenge ideas needed!

Let me preface this little story by telling you all that I am very well aware of the importance of being on time - especially if I am the one who is supposed to open up in the morning. I do not believe my ADHD gives me a "get out of jail free card" over this issue. If you would like to write an essay on how everyone needs to be prompt and not show up late, please start a new thread and post your thoughts there. However, if anyone has any tips on getting places on time, I'd love to see them!

OK. This morning I simply couldn't wake up. I am a night owl, and my adderall makes this situation worse. I can seldom fall asleep before 1:00am or 2:00am in the morning. If I have to get up at 6:30am, I am just a mess. I barely can crawl out of my bed, I drink my coffee and stare off into space, thinking about all sorts of things, none of which have anything to do with getting to work on time. I have caught myself falling back to sleep, sitting upright on the sofa, coffee cup in hand.

Well, today was one of those mornings, and I got to work 10 minutes late which made me 10 minutes late opening up the motel. About a half hour after I got there, the owner showed up to collect yesterday's cash and deposit it in the bank. Apparently Motel Maintenance Man (3M) had zipped out of his room (3M lives at the motel, so HE's never late for work), and told the owner that I was late and that a potential customer had come to the door and left because it was closed.

I have a VERY hard time swallowing 3M's story. Anything is possible, but in the 6 months I've worked here I have NEVER had a customer check in before 9:00am. And only a few people have come THAT early. Housekeeping doesn't even finish cleaning up the rooms until noon; check out time is at 11:00am. I have had to tell early bird customers to come back later when we will have a room ready for them.

So, I think 3M told the owner some fairy tale just so he could twist the knife in my back a little better. Personally, I never would report a co-worker for being 10 minutes late - even if they were relieving me of my shift. I want to do something really mean to 3M. I always knew he was a jerk, and now I know he is an asshole in addition.

Right now, I'm having lots of revenge fantasies and feeling very frustrated over my inability to be consistantly on time for stuff - especially work. Not a good start to the day.

So, I came to the experts - The Cellar! I need you guys to help me out with creative revenge fantasies - the meaner the better!

Last edited by SamIam; 04-07-2011 at 11:07 AM.
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