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Old 04-15-2011, 11:43 AM   #55
Goon Squad Leader
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I agree with the folks that have already said that this is an ambiguously written problem.

As a thread starter and fuel for conversation, it's pretty good.

As a example arithmetic question, it is poorly written, if the intent was to help the student learn about the order of operations.

In Flint's opening post, he says

Originally Posted by Flint View Post
**Title of thread** 48÷2(9+3) = ??? **end title**

Just a simple test of your math skills. What is the correct answer, and why?
Others have given the (pretty easy) justification for why "2" is the answer; I've seen justifications for "288". Which is correct? Well, that depends on the author, doesn't it? Well, Flint? What is the correct answer, and why?

I could just as easily say the correct answer is "???" because it says so right there in the thread title. That's "correct", isn't it? I could say "the correct answer is what the teacher says is the correct answer" or "whatever gets me an A on this test". Those answers are equally valid given the level of ambiguity here. What if we're assuming this equation is written in base 10 but it's really base 12? Then the "correct" answer would be just as uncertain given the way it's written, but it wouldn't be 2 or 288. After all, (skyshide), since we should make the fewest assumptions, assuming base 12 is equally likely as base 10, and both sufficiently explain the data already given.

So, as a plain arithmetic problem, I say the answer is 2.

If it's not plain arithmetic, then that's an entirely different problem.
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