Thread: About Abuse
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Old 04-18-2011, 08:31 AM   #71
a beautiful fool
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Originally Posted by BigV View Post
blah blah blah. you forgot to end your criticism with " my opinion."

In my opinion, this is the *core* of the vast majority of the arguments on the cellar, indeed, most of the arguments in our society from politics to baseball and around again. ["In my opinion,] Policy ABC, which is supported only by poopyheads like you, is stooopit." When I hear "arguments" made in this way, I fill in the missing "in my opinion" for the speaker, as I have done for (myself) on your behalf, jimhelm.


In my opinion, monster's remarks are sometimes funny, sometimes informative, but the most memorable ones are unfunny and vitriolic personal attacks, voiced, naturally, in her opinion. I am tired of the abuse monster dishes out so freely.
I don't know, V... I think most people are smart enough to realize that most of the things I say ARE my opinion. If I was stating a fact about something I knew for sure to be true, I think I would make that clear. So, I thank you for editing my post to suit yourself, but if you don't mind, I'll write my own lines.

blah blah blah yourself.
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