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Old 04-24-2011, 08:04 PM   #32
pensive pam
Join Date: Apr 2011
Location: Far away...
Posts: 538
Originally Posted by pensive pam View Post

Pam, honey, we accept trolls here. They don't get banned until they become "intolerably irritating". You have a long way to go to reach this level. Your posts fuel our funny egos, we find you very entertaining. We are far more accepting than other forums. I do understand that you really need to get banned to feel like you have made an impact on the world. Unfortunately you picked the wrong forum for your next fix. I did not go to school in the US. I did not do kindergarten. Where I went to school, they told you to rub dirt in it. If you went to school here, how is it that your English is so variable?
Well, I do not wish to get 'banned.' I have made that very clear to Mr. Undertaod and the the moderators. I have been bruttally honest about what happened on the other site I was on. What happened was not fair to me. I am not her like an elephante at a circus to make you laugh. I have saiid that before. What is so funny?? I am having wine. and am upset about many things. I did laundry today, and cut my hand. I can not even wash cloths properly. And you are waiting for me to get emotional explode...

A very bad day,
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