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Old 05-07-2011, 11:38 PM   #1
Big Sarge
Werepandas - lurking in your shadows
Join Date: Jun 2008
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May 8,2011: Tom Lee Park

Tom Lee Park is in Memphis, TN. It commemorates the rescue of 32 people from a capsized steamboat. The monuments dedicated to the rescue are now awash in the flooded Mississippi River. The river claimed the steamboat and 23 lives in 1925. Has it returned to claim the rest?

The park is named after area resident Tom Lee (1885–1952). Late during the afternoon of May 8, 1925, Lee steered his 28 ft (8.5 m) skiff Zev upriver after delivering an official to Helena, Arkansas. Also on the river was a steamboat, the M.E. Norman, carrying members of the Engineers Club of Memphis, the American Society of Civil Engineers, and their families. One man rescues 32 livesTom Lee witnessed the M.E. Norman capsize in the swift current 15 mi (24 km) downriver from Memphis at Cow Island Bend. Although he could not swim, he rescued 32 people with five trips to shore. Lee acted quickly, calmly and with no regard for his own safety, continuing to search after night fell. Because of his efforts, only 23 people died.
Give a man a match, & he'll be warm for 20 seconds. But toss that man a white phosphorus grenade and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.
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