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Old 05-17-2011, 12:14 PM   #1
Sibling of the Commonweal
Join Date: May 2011
Location: Kent
Posts: 16
Potential sub looking for guidance

Hello my name is Katie and I'm 17 years old. I understand that many people think that is too young for me to start learning about the submissive lifestyle but I am desperate to learn more about D/s. Therefore, I am very interested in speaking further with those involved in the lifestyle (particularly dominant men). Eventually I would love to establish a 'relationship' (for want of a better word) where I can surrender control to a dominant on some daily activites (e.g. clothes I wear, food I eat etc.). At my age I am not interested in a sexual D/s relationship either online or in person but I would love to learn more about what that entails. I would also love to learn about positions and other things that Dominants enjoy. I will not be willing to give out any nude pictures of myself, but I will take pictures of mself performing certain commands as proof if the Dominant wishes. However, for personal privacy I will not be showing my face in these pictures. I am also happy to carry out punishments as the Dominant believes I need them. Really I am just looking for a strong man to guide me into the submissive mindset. Thank you for reading (and possibly responding) to this post.
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