Thread: Post Your Pet
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Old 05-30-2011, 01:12 PM   #1733
The Un-Tuckian
Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: South Central...KY that is
Posts: 39,517
Best friend's new addition.

His border collie had to be euthanized 2-3 yrs ago, after fifteen yrs of never leaving his side. He went to work with him, every day, guarded the truck, and God help you if tried to get in that truck and hadn't rode in with him. He always remembered who rode with who, and would always give the people who rode with him free access. He went to parties with us. Camping. Cook outs. Vacations. Road trips, you name it, that dog went everywhere with him/us.

People would try get him to take a pup, they even showed up with a pup unannounced. He would play with the pup, talk about how cute it was, but, always handed it back saying he wasn't ready for another dog yet.

We were sitting in his backyard a few nights ago, 2-2:30 in the morning, drinking, laughing, partying like we do, when we heard something in the leaves. In the dark. We were ready to leap to safety, as we were expecting it to be a opossum. Instead, this little roly-poly thing wobble/stumbled up to us and laid down in front of the fire like he had just finished a long trip home. I guess he had. Because, apparently, he's home.

His name is Crash. Because he crashed our party.
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