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Old 05-31-2011, 12:52 PM   #2224
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: West Yorkshire
Posts: 24,185
I decided I did not want a super-cheap haircut this month.
It's not super-cheap for a start, just cheaper than anywhere else, and last time I went there I had an appalling haircut that I had to live with for another 2 months.

So of course I trimmed my own fringe (bangs).
Hmmmm... How did it go?
Let's say less well than when I have done it previously.

I will wash it and check it out of course.
What? I shouldn't have cut it dry? Like I should read hair-dye instructions before I use them...? C'mon.
Actually.... thinking back, I did a wet cut last time. D'oh!

What I am tempted to do now is dye my hair blonde.
I bought a discounted dye (it had no cap enclosed - I have hair-dye caps at home) to use this summer. Before some other cheap witch snapped it up.
I'm thinking, if I use it now it might distract people from my fringe.
Or at the very least make me feel better.
But then - what if it turns out red hair + bleach = too orangey for crows?

Of course I am asking you.
Of course I am really just sounding out my own opinion.
It's like I have someone inside me saying "I dare you!" and "I double dare you!"

No, it really is under consideration.
I wanted to dye my hair pink for the summer anyway (hence the bleach purchase).
But if I dye it blonde now I can use spray-in pink as and when I want. And it will be cheaper. Just more hassle, hence it not being my first summer choice.

I don't know what I'm typing any more, the flecks of hair on my face and chest are itching me too much.
Life's hard you know, so strike a pose on a Cadillac
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