Thread: Weird News
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Old 06-02-2011, 12:00 PM   #1422
barely disguised asshole, keeper of all that is holy.
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Spirit of Lorena Bobbitt alive and Bangladesh?

lucky you - its a two-fer ...

A 40-year-old Bangladeshi woman cut off a man's penis during an alleged attempted rape and took it to a police station as evidence, police in a remote part of Bangladesh said, according to CBS affiliate KPHO.

The woman, a married mother of three, was attacked while she was sleeping in her shanty Saturday night, officers told Agence France Presse (AFP).

"As he tried to rape her, the lady cut his penis off with a knife. She then wrapped up the penis in a piece of polythene and brought it to the Jhalakathi police station as evidence of the crime," police chief Abul Khaer said, reported KPHO.

The woman has filed a case accusing the man -- who is also 40 and a married father of five himself -- of attempted rape, saying that he had been harassing her for six months.

The severed penis has been kept at the police station and the rape suspect was undergoing treatment in hospital.

"We shall arrest him once his condition gets better," Khaer told AFP.
Linky dinky
"like strapping a pillow on a bull in a china shop" Bullitt
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