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Old 01-16-2004, 04:22 AM   #27
Yeah sez you
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 206
The question I keep asking, and you keep ignoring, is: why? Why does it bother you when cats are killed, but not when say, chickens are killed?
I already answered that question. It bothers me because I suspect that they are wild caught and held in small cages indefinately until killed.

Whether it makes sense to you or not makes no difference to me. Wild animals have experience a life of their own making and have, for lack of a better word, expectations of freedom based on their previous existence. It isn't the killing that bothers me so much (for example with hunting), it is the mass rounding up of these animals.

If you had ever experienced the difference between a wild mouse and a lab mouse you might understand what I mean. Animals bred in captivity are different than wild ones. The wild animal when caged is totally stressed and frantic and then over time, despondent. The domestic animal in a cage is at home because that is what it knows.

It isn't the death that is a problem to me, it is the prolonged suffering. And btw, I buy grass-fed beef and free range chicken and their eggs so I am not being hypocritical.

As a side note:
It always surprises me when someone who proclaims a love of animals is so hateful to humans and then expects to be taken seriously enough to answer. That comment is just to say that I don't think your behavior deserves an answer but I have given you one anyway. If it isn't to your liking, tough.

Last edited by Beletseri; 01-16-2004 at 08:10 AM.
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