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Old 01-16-2004, 07:48 AM   #29
Hoodoo Guru
Join Date: May 2001
Posts: 301
Originally posted by quzah


So one last time: Cat = tears, cow = hungry, why again? Yeah. I'm the one who's got their thinking screwed around backwards. Stupid me. What was I thinking?

Nah - first, I cry no tears over a civit that gets killed for food, or a cow. Now if it was MY cow, yes, and HAVE. It's my cat, YES.

It comes down to this - if I know and like the individual animal, yes, if I don't, I don't really care. And Yes, I've cried while butchering a steer - ate it anyway. It's like one of my friends - he always named the spring lambs "Lambchop" - to remind his kids where those lambchops come from. I've had beef in the freezer labeled things like "ted" and "Bill"

One day, there was a really annoying animal rights protester here in NYC who was making a pain in the ass out of herself to EVERYONE on the street. I stopped, listened to her, and very calmly and quietly said "You're right, animals do have the same rights as humans. I hunt down and kill animals tha piss me off. " Then I smiled, and let that comment sink in.... Took about 10 seconds for her to realize what I said - the look on her face was PRICELESS as she slowly backed away - they don't have an evil grin that I can find ...
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