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Old 06-10-2011, 04:04 PM   #2661
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Posts: 495
Originally Posted by TheMercenary View Post
As I stated, insurance exchanges in the form proposed do not exist and have not been tested. We have bet the whole Goose on an unproven fantasy of how Obama and his cronies want it to work. That is a failure from the beginning.
The FEHB program is a pretty good model. It covers 4-5 million govt employees, with 15-20 private insurance companies offering over 200 different plans, so I certainly wouldnt call a program based on this model a fantasy.

We didnt test the major environmental regulatory programs in the 70s, with new required standards that had never been tried before; there was no guarantee they would work. Hell, many conservative opponents claimed it would lead to the economic downfall of the US. It didnt. The new regulatory programs werent perfect and needed tweeking along the way, but they worked to the country's benefit.

We didnt test the major welfare reform program in the 90s. Liberal opponents of the reform who never forgave Clinton and claimed it would lead to a return to poverty levels from 50 years ago. It didnt.

To call a program a failure because it is untested seems a bit premature. We have a history of trying untested programs that we think are good for the country- "to the moon, alice!"
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