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Old 06-17-2011, 08:40 AM   #3610
infinite monkey
Person who doesn't update the user title
Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 13,002
This morning I was attempting to iron these stupid capris (crappies) that I didn't realize would be such a hassle when I bought them.

I was thinking that a specific hell for me would be having to iron over and over and over. I HATE ironing. So I thought a good thread would be "Hell's Chores" and ask what YOUR specific chore in hell would be.

I unplugged the iron, and was near it again...had to be 10 or more minutes shut the window that's by the ironing boards. My elbow hit the iron and it was still hot as, well, hell.

I'm going to have a seething scarring blister. I tried to hold my cold diet coke can in my lap with my elbow on it as I drove to work, then I got thirsty.
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