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Old 06-22-2011, 09:42 AM   #10
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: West Yorkshire
Posts: 24,185
Our cashiers are mostly wonderful.
It's the bloody stupid rules the banks impose that makes things hard for the customers and therefore get the staff a hard time.

I am not allowed to make any cash withdrawals under £100 over the counter.
This is because they figure that's what the cashpoints are for.
However it also means that if I have £9.99 in my account I can't access it. Instead I have to go queue 20 mins at the Post Office. Why? it's my money, even if it's £1.25. And yes, I have drawn that amount out before and yes it made a difference at the end of the month.

That rule is to reduce queues.
Old giffers who cannot understand or hear basic questiond and people with complicated transactions on multiple accounts are what cause queues. Not me, card in hard speaking clearly and wanting to get out of there ASAP.

Also, it takes 5 working days for a check to clear into my account. Even Government cheques ie from HM Tax Office! I've taken them to Instant Cash places before. It's worth the £5 not to have to wait what is usually a week once you get down to it.

And also the bank I use to pay one of my creditors no longer allows you to enter a personal reference on the paying in slip.
I've no idea how they match the payment to the payee at the company now, but they haven't come back to me with a threatening letter so I guess they do. I keep all the receipts anyway. But that's really discourteous of the bank if you ask me. "No, we won't make a note of who is making the payment. Work it out yourself!"

We don't generally have coin counting machines here, Monster. It's done by weight. You have to fill a bag with exactly the right amount, it's then just weighed and passed at the bank. But only if you have a business account there. Children and charities can also change coins, but again, only if they bank there. Again, I find Post Offices the best bet, because they supply local business with bags of change. It's quite draconian though - NO MIXED COINAGE and you must have the exact amount in each bag (ie £1 of 1p = 1 bag, £10 of 20p = 1 bag).
Life's hard you know, so strike a pose on a Cadillac
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